Thriving Teen - Private Programs for older puppies and younger dogs.

This course is specifically designed to help you the challenging time of adolescence in younger dogs.

Just when you thought all your puppy problems were coming to an end, you've found yourself with an unpredictable teen who seems to have not only forgotten all of their prior training, but they have also developed a severe hearing problem.


Adolescence is the age where puppies are becoming more independent and much more interested in what is going on around them. They find it harder to focus on you because their confidence is growing and they want to investigate the world on their own terms. While your young dog may appear all grown up and they are acting for all the world like they don't need you, they are still very much a puppy. They need your guidance and training now more than ever! In my Senior Puppy Program we will work on developing your puppy's focus, calmness and confidence while boosting your relationship through games and training.

What can you expect from a Private Program?

Exploring the Relationship Between You and Your Dog, we will take a comprehensive look at your life with your canine companion from a wholistic perspective.
We will delve into your previous training experiences, techniques utilised, and their effectiveness or lack thereof. Let's be honest, if everything had been going smoothly, you wouldn't be searching for dog trainers online, right? ;)
Throughout the program, we will cover a range of topics including diet, exercise, grooming,  I will enlighten you on how dogs perceive the world, how we perceive them, and the often stark differences between these perspectives. Despite our divergent species, effective communication between humans and dogs is not as complex as it may seem.
We will touch upon setting realistic expectations, ensuring success for both you and your dog, properly reinforcing desired behaviours, and the gradual process of instilling lifelong habits through dedication and consistency from all household members.
Ultimately, my utmost goal is to leave behind a happier and more content dog when I depart your home. I firmly believe that creating joy in dogs stems from ensuring their human companions are content as well. If you are tired of resorting to traditional methods and are eager to cultivate a harmonious environment with your dog, then you have certainly come to the right place

Private Programs

Quick Query

This program is just long enough to tidy up some basic manners. We can install a couple of basic commands or spend all the lessons on one problem like leash walking or recall. Your pet's manners will increase and you will have a little bit more control day to day. You'll have to do your homework and be ready to use your limited time effectively to make the most of this package.

Included in this package

- 4 x Private lessons
-Quality Training Equipment
 (Long lead & training pouch)
- Lifetime access to training videos
- 6 months phone/email support
- 4 month follow up consult via zoom

Lifestyle Pet

You have big plans for you and your dog. They don't currently have any major behaviour problems, but you struggle taking them out and about with ease. You want to take them out to cafes, you want to take them to the kids sport, out camping, to the beach. All of these things require a solid foundation in social responsibility skills. Your dog will learn what they need to in order to fit in perfectly with your lifestyle. This will make it easier and safer for you to include them in daily activities without feeling like it adds stress to your outing.

Included in this package

- 6 x Private lessons
- Quality Training Equipment
 (Long lead & training pouch)
- Lifetime access to training videos
- 12 months phone/email support
- 4 month follow up consult via zoom

Secure & Settled

This is the largest program and is designed to tackle some of the more intense behaviour problems that you might come up against. If your dog suffers from anxiety or reactivity then this program is designed for your dog. The goal is to get your dog to a point where they feel secure and settled. Where they know you have their back, they feel confident and able to take on the world. Confidence building takes time and patience and usually some pretty big changes in both of your lives but nothing is more worth it, just to see your dog happy again.

Included in this package

- 8 x Private lessons
- Quality Training Equipment
   (Long lead & training pouch)
- Lifetime access to training videos
- 12 months phone/email support
- 4 month follow up consult via zoom

If you are not sure what you need, text your details to Jodie on 0400 313 027 for a free discovery call to talk about your requirements.

You will also learn

An awareness of dog's body language, so you know when they are happy or stressed. Problem Prevention Strategies aimed specifically at your teenage puppy. The benefits of Positive Reinforcement Training. With my coaching you will develop the skills you need to continue to be successful at training now and in the future.

Course Pricing

Quick Query

$395 AUD

  • 4 Private Lessons. This program is designed to tidy up some manners or concentrate on one or two minor issues.

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Lifestyle Pet

$695 AUD

  • 6 Private Lessons This program is designed to help with the behaviours your dog needs to be out and about with you and your family

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Secure and Settled.

$895 AUD

  • 8 private lessons. This program is designed to help dogs with more severe problems like reactivity or anxiety.

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Jodie Barnes

Course Curriculum