If you've clicked on the Reframing Reactivity tab looking for answers, I am so happy you're here! I have a feeling you will be too! This course has been a long time coming, but it's finally happening! With resources from renown dog trainers from all over the world, my Reframing Reactivity program gives you all the tools and resources you need to help teach your dog that there is a new way to be.
Unfortunately, fearful and over reactive behaviour very rarely goes away on its own. Your dog will not grow out of it. Left untreated, both the frequency and the intensity of the problems will most likely increase. Reactivity is one of the hardest behaviours to deal with. Have you ever wondered why that is? There's a good chance you never really thought about reactivity before you got this dog. Now when it's time for a walk, it's a whole thing. You knew getting a dog meant making changes, but now you're walking early in the morning or late at night just to avoid other dogs or people. Just the idea of walking your dog is stressful for you now as well.
You feel like you're stuck in a Catch 22. Now when your dog starts reacting, you find yourself reacting too, or you're reacting before your dog does now. You love your dog, but you really thought it was going to be easier than this.
I'm here to tell you it can be.
Together, we can teach your dog a better way. We can give them new ways to respond that also feel good, overtime, your dog can start to ignore what once caused a meltdown, maybe even enjoy meeting other dogs or new people. In order to make this shift, we need to create a more calm space for our dogs. They simply cannot learn new behaviours when they are stressed. This is why we've designed a custom program for Reframing Reactivity. This program will give you all the support you need and we are with you every step of the way. In Reframing Reactivity you will develop the right skills to teach calm and accommodate your dog's reactivity! You'll earn easy, fun and practical ways to keep your dog's focus when there are distractions, how to manage situations where things are less than ideal and how to bounce back when you feel like everything has gone belly up!
Learn what is behind your dog's over-reactivity and why the impact is so great for you.
Tune your observation skills and learn to interpret your dog's communication.
Press the reset button for you and your dog, so that you can begin to build a new future.
Confidence Building is a Great way to instil Courage in Bashful Canines
Learn the core skills that will help you both make progress by starting training away from triggers.
Having a Happy & healthy relationship with your dog will have a huge impact on your success.
Confidence Building is a Great way to instil Courage in Bashful Canines
Take your training on the road to real environments
If you've read this far, I can only assume you're one of the many people out there these days who need this program. It's up to you if you want to keep living with things how they are, or commit to this course and change it once and for all. It is a commitment. It's a big commitment. However, if you put the time in, you will see changes. In fact, I'm so sure of the success you can achieve in this course, I'm offering a full money back guarantee if this program is not working for you within the first 4 weeks. That's not a "change of mind" money back offer. I need to see you in class, I need to see your workbooks, I need to see you working with your dog. If you're not having success, there will be reasons for it. We just need to find what they are. So I will more than happily give you your money back and we can discuss next steps together.
Includes 2 Private lessons, 8 group classes delivered online, 12 months phone/email support, lifetime access to video vault.
Includes 10 Private lessons, 8 group classes delivered online, 12 months phone/email support, lifetime access to video vault.
Includes 2 Private lessons, 8 group classes delivered online, 12 months phone/email support, lifetime access to video vault.
Includes 10 Private lessons, 8 group classes delivered online, 12 months phone/email support, lifetime access to video vault.